Home - City of Fond Du Lac
Fond du Lac City Government's mission is to provide excellent local government through responsiveness and accountability to the citizens of Fond du Lac. Our Values: excellence in Service, Honesty, Integrity, and Personal Accountability guide everything we do.
Departments - Your Government - City of Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac City Government's mission is to provide excellent local government through responsiveness and accountability to the citizens of Fond du Lac. Our Values: excellence in Service, Honesty, Integrity, and Personal Accountability guide everything we do.
Contact us - Administration - City of Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, …
Address: 160 South Macy Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Phone: 920-322-3460 Fax: 920-322-3431 Hours: M-F: 7:45 am – 4:30 pm
Water - Water - Public Works - City of Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, …
The Fond du Lac Waterworks is a municipally owned and operated utility providing water service to residents and businesses. Policies and rates are set by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (WPSC).
Job Opportunities - Human Resources - City of Fond du Lac
The City of Fond du Lac employs over 350 people in a number of different classifications. Each position has a job description. The Human Resources Department only accepts employment applications for jobs that are currently listed below.
Your Government - Your Government - City of Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac City Government's mission is to provide excellent local government through responsiveness and accountability to the citizens of Fond du Lac. Our Values: excellence in Service, Honesty, Integrity, and Personal Accountability guide everything we do.
City Council - City Council - City of Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, …
Fond du Lac has a council-manager form of government with a seven-member City Council elected for two-year terms. The City Council establishes policy, enacts ordinances, adopts the annual budget and appoints a City Manager to oversee the administration of the City.
Parking Tickets - Parking - City of Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, …
To pay in person, please visit City Payments (cash, money order or check) at 160 South Macy Street. Payments can be mailed with the ticket to City Payments at PO Box 150 Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0150. If you have questions regarding payments, please call 920-322-3460.
Municipal Code - Administration - City of Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac City Government's mission is to provide excellent local government through responsiveness and accountability to the citizens of Fond du Lac. Our Values: excellence in Service, Honesty, Integrity, and Personal Accountability guide everything we do.
Budget - Administration - City of Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, …
Fond du Lac City Government's mission is to provide excellent local government through responsiveness and accountability to the citizens of Fond du Lac. Our Values: excellence in Service, Honesty, Integrity, and Personal Accountability guide everything we do.