Blade Runner follows Deckard (Ford), a Blade Runner who must pursue and terminate four escaped Replicants who stole a ship in ...
Blade Runner' director Sir Ridley Scott has told how the movie's financiers hadn't heard of leading man Harrison Ford before ...
Ridley Scott felt Harrison Ford would be something exceptional in Hollywood, despite others' doubts decades ago. During a ...
Although Harrison Ford is synonymous with multiple franchises and countless memorable performances, he wasn’t always such a ...
Ridley Scott sat down with GQ magazine for a retrospective video interview and revealed that the financiers on “Blade Runner” originally questioned his decision to cast Harrison Ford in the lead role.
Science fiction is often, by definition, ahead of its time, but there is one recent release that Ron Howard thinks people should watch sooner rather than later.
Following The Brutalist, dive into the world of concrete, chaos, and cinematic grit with these 7 architectural films.
Starring Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain, Sir Ridley Scott's The Martian has rarely been deemed a comedy, but those few ...
When it comes to sci-fi movies that are both thrilling and smart, and excel in building out strange worlds, Denis Villeneuve ...
Orrin Porter Rockwell was a close friend and bodyguard to Joseph Smith, the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of ...
Ridley Scott in a superhero flick? Not happening. The director of Alien and Gladiator turns down caped crusaders faster than ...
Not every genre came to play in 2024, but action certainly did. It delivered several high-quality games covering [...] ...