Pramod Mittal spent Rs 550 crore on his daughter wedding in 2013. The world of business is cutthroat and even the biggest businessmen are not immune to losses, but there a few unfortunate cases ...
Pramod Mittal, once one of the richest people in the world and the younger brother of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, has seen his fortunes crumble to dust. Known for his extravagant lifestyle and ...
A judge revoked Pramod Mittal's proposal to pay just 0.18 percent of his £2.5 billion debt to creditors. Why rich people in need of financial wizardry often flock to the UK and its outposts ...
one such story is that of pramod mittal, once a billionaire and one of the richest indians in the uk. his lavish lifestyle and risky business decisions led to financial ruin, leaving him dependent ...
his name is... Gazi Abbas Shahid January 1, 2025 9:03 PM IST Pramod Mittal, once among the richest men in the United Kingdom (UK), is the brother of billionaire steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal.
The man we are talking about is Pramod Mittal, the brother of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, who was declared bankrupt in 2020 after paying 2.5 billion pounds (around Rs 24,000 crore at the time ...
Pramod Mittal, once one of the richest people in the world and the younger brother of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, has seen his fortunes crumble to dust. Known for his extravagant lifestyle and ...