F or decades, Ash Ketchum has been the face of the Pokémonfranchise, traveling across regions, battling Gym Leaders, and ...
Fans have speculated the fate of one major character in Pokemon Horizons since the reveal of the latest opening.
The protagonist of the original ‘Pokemon’ series, Ash Ketchum, remained 10-years-old consistently for 26 seasons of the show ...
Pokémon Horizons has once again surpassed what Ash was allowed to do in its latest episode, complete with an incredible ...
A new Pokemon Legends: Z-A leak is hinting at a brand-new Mega Evolution set to arrive with the game's launch. Victreebel ...
The filmmaking duo is responsible for the most superhero-packed movies in the Marvel universe, from Captain America: Winter ...
Ortega was cast in the 2013 film, which was the third and final title in the Iron Man trilogy, as the daughter of the US Vice ...