Passage of a bill that remains alive at the Legislature would help to resolve the ongoing school bus shortage.
Families can register Savannah public school students for CAT's zero-fare program through end of May by following these steps.
The Bemus Point Central School District is continuing to promote the financial benefits of accepting a federal rebate that ...
Some students might get to ride on a battery-powered bus sometime next year, if a grant application is accepted by the bus manufacturer. Grand Coulee Dam School District Transportation Director Wade ...
A class action lawsuit has now been filed against the various entities that make up the school bus camera program on behalf of Miami-Dade drivers.
Federal budget restrictions are putting some grants in jeopardy that could halt Unionville-Chadds Ford School District’s move to buy electric buses. That’s the word from James Whitesel, the district’s ...
The Eanes ISD board of trustees unanimously approved funding for two projects from the 2023 bond during its March 11 meeting.
High school athletes in Nampa School District are rolling to events in style with new, branded buses provided by First Student.
Drivers who illegally pass stopped school buses in Fairfax County will soon face fines as part of a new effort to protect students as they exit or board the bus.
Charters paying big busing bills while families forced to carpool want the state, districts to take on what they call an ‘equity issue.’ ...
New buses are being introduced to the BAS.MY stage bus service, but the latest batch contains no electric vehicle (EV) units. The reason for this is cost, according to transport minister Anthony Loke.