US courts reined in President Donald Trump’s early efforts to shut down foreign aid and domestic refugee resettlement ...
The Supreme Court on Wednesday wrestled with whether to restart plans to temporarily store nuclear waste at sites in rural ...
The Supreme Court justice faced scrutiny from conservatives for voting against the president in a recent ruling.
MAGA activists have seemingly turned against one of President Donald Trump’s three appointees to the Supreme Court: Justice ...
President Donald Trump is attempting to revive the president’s constitutional authority to refuse to spend funds in discrete categories.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett has joined Chief Justice John Roberts as the "conservative" members of the Supreme Court most ...
Constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz said Thursday that the Supreme Court ruling against President Donald Trump’s ...
MAGA targets Justice Amy Coney Barrett after she rules against Trump - ‘She is evil, chosen solely because she checked ...
MAGA Republicans have accused Barrett, who has at times sided with her liberal colleagues, of being insufficiently loyal to Trump.
"With the Republican Party in control of the two political branches of government, the judiciary's willingness to defend the ...
Barrett and Roberts have signaled a willingness to act, at least at times, as a check on Trump's efforts to expand his power.