Russia on Wednesday accused the Ukrainian armed forces of attacking a car used to transport experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Dec. 10, saying someone could have been ...
Nuclear energy is set to generate record levels of electricity in 2025 but significant hurdles remain for the industry, ...
South Korea and the United States have formalized a nuclear energy alliance aimed at capturing a larger share of the rapidly ...
Russia is constructing over 10 nuclear power units on foreign soil to help capitalise on burgeoning energy demands driven by artificial intelligence and developing markets, a senior Kremlin envoy has ...
Even once researchers can reliably get more power out of a fusion reaction than they put in, they’ll still need to overcome ...
Officials for the United States and Thailand on Tuesday signed an Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of ...
Whereas some believe commercially-available nuclear fusion energy is still decades away, Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) ...
Cloud providers are interested in the potential of miniature nuclear reactors but they come with risks as well as potential ...
Prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said there is no "pressing need” for Malaysia to adopt nuclear power, emphasising that the country still sees ...
The Department of Energy said it is open to regional cooperation with ASEAN countries to further advance the country’s ...