Holocaust survivor, Abe Piasek, who was born in Poland and eventually moved to Raleigh, spent decades sharing his story of ...
Almost one in eight young adults in Germany have never heard the terms "Holocaust" or "Shoah," according to a poll that comes ...
When I think of those 7,000 Jews liberated just 80 years ago, I wonder if they knew that their after would include their ...
Italian Holocaust survivor and Life Senator Liliana Segre is exhausted after coming under a new wave of anti-Semitic abuse ...
The pain, sorrow, yearning, fear and undimmed hope of Jewish children who would ultimately perish during the Holocaust serve ...
Most did not know that six million Jews perished in the Holocuast, while many believed that it was an exaggerated figure' ...
Nearly half of American respondents—48%—could not name a single concentration camp or ghetto established during World War II.
Havant MP Alan Mak has signed the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment ahead of the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz ...
Mihail Sebastian and the Young People with Lily Souls, a documentary webcomic created by Diaspora Civică Berlin, an ...
Filmmaker Peter Stein will discuss the earliest films made about the Shoah for International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan ...
Sir Keir Starmer has paid tribute to the “sheer and remarkable courage” of Holocaust survivors ahead of Holocaust Memorial ...
Menachem Rosensaft, the son of survivors, challenges the comforting messages of Judaism’s best-known collection of verse.