Christopher Nolan's follow-up film to "Oppenheimer" is an action Greek epic adaptation of Homer's "The Odyssey." ...
Anaconda, a new version of the 1997 adventure film, hits theaters next Christmas, according to stars Paul Rudd and Jack Black ...
In a new interview with Vanity Fair, Angelina Jolie opened up about going through a "very dark" time in her life and how ...
Brad Pitt is racing to the finish line in his new F1 movie, coming in 2025. Click here for everything to know about the film.
Angelina Jolie, 49, bundled up as she filmed scenes for her latest project, Stitches, in Paris while also accompanied by her son, Maddox, on set on Wednesday.
Despite being one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, with six children and three marriages under her belt, Angelina Jolie says she ...
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were recently offered a chance to reunite for a new movie role worth millions of dollars.
Discover the best office pranks to boost team morale and add fun to your workplace. See what role humor plays in the workplace – and it’s more than just laughs ...
Producer Danny Rossner offered to hire Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to play lovers in his new film, but sources close to the ...
DESPITE being one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, with six children and three marriages under her belt, Angelina Jolie says she ...
Once upon a time, there used to be stars. These actors had charisma and talent that could fill up the entire screen. They had ...
I had my first date when I was 25 years old. The guy was someone I’d shared a class with in college. We had a chance meeting ...