Access to in vivo toxicology services is significantly decreasing in the Stockholm area as Rise shuts down animal testing and ...
Stockholm-based Egetis Therapeutics has received a positive CHMP opinion for Emcitate, which could become the first approved ...
The Norwegian companies Ultimovacs and Zelluna Immunotherapy plan to merge. At the same time, it is made clear that ...
American Merck & Co, known in Europe as MSD, has discontinued the development of vibostolimab and favezelimab, two experimental cancer drugs, after their failure in several trials, according to a ...
The new factory, including a warehouse, will cover 40,000 square meters. Construction has already begun, and the facility is expected to be completed in 2027, according to a press release. – We are ...
In 2020, after 26 years at the bottom of the sea, MS Estonia was the subject of a documentary movie which shall throw authorities and common man around the Baltic sea back to square one. The declared ...
Närsjukvårdens förvaltningschef Emma Pihl har utsetts till ny hälso- och sjukvårdsdirektör i Region Halland.