Sailor Circus, also known as The Greatest Little Show on Earth, started to celebrate their 75th anniversary in the Sarasota ...
Sailor Circus Academy, known as the Greatest ‘Little’ Show on Earth, was started in 1949 and has worked with tens of ...
This holiday season might be a bit more glittery and exciting for the Sailor Circus Academy, which will mark its 75th anniversary with a Diamond Jubilee production. Dozens of young performers from ...
New York has the ball in Times Square, Key West has its Red Shoe Drop and Sarasota greets the new year with a 12-hour block ...
Arts groups were forced to turn on a dime in 2024. That’s why we’ve dubbed it the “Year of Fancy Footwork.” Little did we ...
A student in Booker High School’s Visual and Performing Arts program, Kayla Hayes has been performing with Sailor Circus Academy for nearly five years, training in various circus disciplines ...
Dolly and her husband, Pedro Reis, founded the Circus Arts Conservatory and Sailor Circus in Sarasota—a place where they mentor the next generations of circus, like Nik and Erendira Wallenda.
Sailor Circus, also known as The Greatest Little Show on Earth, started to celebrate their 75th anniversary in the Sarasota community on Thursday with a special holiday show. Florida will soon ...