Messaging giant WhatsApp won a landmark ruling Friday against the best-known maker of spyware when a federal judge in ...
A US court held the NSO Group liable for hacking into thousands of devices through a vulnerability on WhatsApp.
NSO Group was found to not only have exceeded its legal level of access to the WhatsApp servers and broken the terms of ...
NSO Group, the organization behind the Pegasus spyware, has been found liable in a lawsuit brought by Meta’s WhatsApp over attacks on about 1,400 devices, as reported by The Record. NSO Group is ...
A U.S. judge has ruled that Israeli spyware maker NSO Group breached hacking laws by using WhatsApp to infect devices with its Pegasus spyware. In a historic ruling on Friday, a Northern ...
WhatsApp won a critical lawsuit against Pegasus-maker NSO Group in a cyberattack on over 1,000 users. Here's a detailed explanation of what happened.
Messaging service WhatsApp claimed a major legal victory over Israeli spyware firm NSO Group on Friday after a federal judge ruled that NSO was liable under federal and California law for a 2019 ...
WhatsApp wins a major legal case against NSO Group over Pegasus spyware, marking a key step in holding spyware companies accountable for unlawful surveillance of activists, journalists, and officials ...
U.S. district judge rules in favor of WhatsApp in lawsuit WhatsApp calls ruling a win for privacy No immediate response from NSO to email seeking comment Dec 20 (Reuters) - A U.S. judge ruled on ...