Scientists have discovered that mating, male blue-lined octopuses will inject a powerful, incapacitating neurotoxin into the hearts of female octopuses — to avoid being eaten by them when the deed is ...
Researchers from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) have completed a Phase I clinical trial for a new oral ...
Some male octopuses tend to get eaten by their sexual partners, but male blue-lined octopuses avoid this fate with help from ...
Learn more about the mating of blue-lined octopuses — a treacherous ordeal involving sex, cannibalism, and sedation.
Animals have evolved many different ways of protecting themselves, from prickly quills and razor-sharp teeth to clever ...
Now, researchers studying the octopuses have learned that not only do male blue-lined octopuses use their venom against enemies, but also against members of their own species — cannibalistic females.
Scientists have found that male blue-lined octopuses inject venom and paralyse females during sex to avoid being killed and ...
The venom from one of the previously known spitting scorpions, the southern African Parabuthus transvaalicus, is known to ...
Male blue-lined octopuses inject females with venom during mating to avoid being eaten by their partners, observations suggest 1. Blue-lined octopuses ( Hapalochlaena fasciata) have paralysing venom ...
Deep in the rainforests of Colombia, a scientist set out to study moths. While searching for copper, he found gold: a new ...
"Mating ended when the females regained control of their arms and pushed the males off," the researchers noted.
Most symbiote powers are enviable, but a new downside has been revealed that paints Venom and his fellow symbiotes in a much more heartbreaking light.