Drivers ignoring school bus laws are not unique to Livonia, but parents and school bus drivers in the area told me they are ...
The Town of Hempstead’s school bus camera enforcement program is under legal scrutiny, as a class-action lawsuit claims the ...
If you don't stop driving when you see a school bus with its arm extended, you'll face a $250 fine in Fairfax County soon.
Kimberly school bus drivers have reported 76 drivers to police for failing to stop as students get on & off the bus.
The remarkable number of tickets issued by Pittsburgh Public Schools to drivers illegally passing school buses demonstrates ...
The Town of Hempstead used unlawful evidence against drivers accused of passing stopped school buses, including from bus cameras meant for security, not traffic enforcement, lawyers suing the town ...
The school district has already had some buses with stop-arm cameras. It’s the law in Virginia to always stop for a school bus when its red lights are flashing and the stop sign is out.
Drivers who don't stop for Virginia Beach City Public School buses that are picking up or dropping off students could now ...
Investigates has an update on our exclusive reporting on a school bus ticketing program in some local school districts, ...
MIAMI – The Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Office is suspending part of a program aimed at citing reckless drivers. Tickets were being ...
A bipartisan bill being proposed in Colorado has the goal of catching more drivers who illegally pass a school bus.
The program in Miami-D ade issues tickets to drivers who illegally pass a school bus. The camera automatically captures license plates and ticket citations for drivers going 10 mph or more over the ...