Jump Race (NOSTRA GAMES, 6th Mar, $4.99) - There are different types of races and now you can try a completely new and ...
This guide explains all the key rules and build tips for a Dungeons and Dragons Cleric ... gain proficiency in a skill or tool (perfect for picking some locks without a rogue) and gives plenty of ...
These Martial Arts attacks deal d4 damage (or the damage dice of your chosen weapon ... so races with innate spells could help you focus on a particular build. Bear in mind that a lot is changing in ...
Favorable exchange rates make it cheaper to build the Rogue in Japan than the US. Sources suggest US-built models may be lower-end ICE versions to reduce costs. Nissan teased the long-awaited ...
Titan Quest 2 early access will now feature one more class, as the Rogue mastery joins the Greek mythology inspired ARPG and ...
Absolum aims to combine "thrilling arcade beat 'em up action" with "intricate, refined combat" to create what Dotemu is describing as a "rogue 'em up". There's talk of quests, branching pathways ...
Build Defense is a base-building title where you must use your Build tool to lay down blocks and construct a structure to defend. This title is designed to keep you on your toes as you make your ...
Global View: The power that a rising and expanding America would inevitably acquire will be seen in Beijing and Moscow—and not only there—as a threat. Photo: Ju Peng/Alexander Kazakov ...