These jets become elusive the farther back in time astronomers try to look because of the so-called cosmic microwave ...
By revealing a massive radio jet in the early universe, J1601+3102 offers a rare snapshot of early quasar activity.
Researchers said on Thursday that they had discovered twin-lobed radio jets they suspect were formed when the universe was ...
Astronomers have discovered a truly ancient monster: a radio jet 200,000 light-years wide, originating from when the universe ...
"It's only because this object is so extreme that we can observe it from Earth, even though it's really far away," Anniek ...
Telescopes around the world have spotted a monster radio jet streaming from a quasar dating back to the first 1 billion years ...
An international team of researchers has found dark matter dominating the halos of two supermassive black holes in galaxies ...
This “monster” radio jet, as outlets such as the Associated Press have deemed it, is streaming from a quasar. Quasar are ...
Monitoring respiratory motion during diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment ...
A team of astronomers, including researchers from our top-rated Physics department, have discovered the largest radio jet ...