The animated series, which follows a boy named Ryder and his team of heroic pups, has become a favorite among children. During their hospital visit, the Paw Patrol characters interacted with patients, ...
Go behind the scenes as “Sesame Street” takes on the emotional health of children — and, with an HBO deal ending, the health of the show itself.
The creator of children’s TV shows Paw Patrol and Bob The Builder has joined the team behind a new brand aiming to take centuries of Irish folklore to a global digital audience. Keith Chapman has ...
Drug sniffer dogs have been patrolling the streets of Scunthorpe over the festive period and helped catch someone who was carrying a knife in public. "Operation Forager" continued to provide ...
A Russian mercenary was arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents earlier this month after he illegally entered the U.S. near Roma, Texas, according to reports. in Harlingen ...
Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. We’re impressed by Paw Protect, which is from Embrace pet insurance. Embrace ranks well in our analysis of the best pet insurance ...