“Undercover High School” is a comedy action drama that follows Jung ... about where his character’s story will lead. Jin Ki Joo plays Oh Su Ah, a temporary Korean history teacher, bringing ...
Carmakers in South Africa are imploring the local unit of ArcelorMittal SA and the country’s trade minister to work together to delay the planned closure of steel mills this month. Associations ...
South Africans need to be in the know if we want to create a prosperous future. News24 has kept the country informed for 25 years, and we're about to enter a new chapter of fearless journalism. Join ...
Oscar-nominated satires and endless time loops are a few of the experiences in store in this list of comedy films that are must-watch.
These must-watch Max shows offer something for everyone, and that something is laughter.
This page lists the top 20 British film comedies, determined by a combination of the results of previous polls, award wins, and BCG's visitor data. Biblical movie satire focusing on the life of Brian ...
Comedian Ahir Shah explores 7 'social sins' listed in 1925 by not-comedian Mahatma Gandhi.
Download the best satirical comedy from Radio 4, every Friday. Features The News Quiz, The Naked Week, Catherine Bohart: TL;DR and Dead Ringers.