Toles became a forensic psychologist and a part-time actor. When Toles hits the stage Friday at the Englert Theatre, she'll ...
Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer grew up in Bath Township and committed his first murder there. He went on to kill 16 others.
The show is a follow-up of sorts to a tour that forensic psychologist Dr. Rachel Toles had done about serial killers.
The decision has received tons of backlash from legislators but one person in particular warned against the man’s release: the investigator who tracked down Jeffrey Dahmer.
In this News 8 digital extra, News 8 investigative reporter Jeff Derderian sits down with Ryan McGuigan, a former prosecutor ...
Talitha Frazier, the sister-in-law of the Connecticut cannibal's victim, says her family is scared for their lives following ...
Charlie Hunnam will outdo his ’Sons Of Anarchy’ time on Netflix. What can we expect from ’Monster’s third season?
When the Hamilton County Coroner reopens the case decades later, new DNA technology begins identifying more victims.