Title: Ricky Festival: Sundance (US Dramatic Competition) Sales agent: Sunshine Sachs Morgan & Lylis Director/screenwriter: ...
Black Warrant, starring Zahan Kapoor made its debut on Netflix recently, and it quickly captured the audience’s attention, just as anticipated.
Sundance: First-time director Rashad Frett establishes himself as a major force in a film that tells a familiar story with a ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Marianne Faithfull, the British pop star, muse, libertine and old soul who inspired and helped write some of the Rolling Stones' greatest songs and endured as a torch singer and ...
Donald Trump wants to declassify remaining documents related to the assassination of John F Kennedy, RFK and MLK.
Lopez's upcoming performance in the film, 'Kiss of the Spider Woman' is getting critical acclaim and awards buzz for next year's awards season.
Especially from Mark Lee who's so convincing in his world-wearied element transforming from no-job ah beng, Chow Chee Beng, to big-hit ah gua (cross dresser), Moulin, in the first flick, he deservedly ...
I’ll never forget what my dad said every time the credits rolled on movies like “Brave the Dark” growing up ... when he alone is arrested for breaking and entering and put in jail. Deen, concerned for ...
After the announcement teaser, Jailer 2 has become a hot topic of discussion in the trade circle. The first installment was a tremendous success, and all three pillars of the film, Rajinikanth ...
Thandel marks the first PAN Indian film of Naga Chaitanya, and there is excitement about how the film fares in the Hindi ...
Andrew Jarecki and Charlotte Kaufman chronicle financial mismanagement, abuses of power and general inhumanities in a system ...
In the 1990s, five ‘ordinary’ Irish boys were made into international superstars – but none emerged from the experience ...