Genetic analysis suggests a form of mosquito found in urban subway systems evolved in the Middle East thousands of years ago ...
A farmer notices an unfamiliar insect on a leaf. Is this a pollinator? Or a pest? Good news at harvest time? Or bad? Need to be controlled? Or not? That farmer can snap a picture, use a smartphone ...
InsectNet -- which is backed by a dataset of 12 million insect images, including many collected by citizen-scientists -- provides identification and predictions for more than 2,500 insect species ...
For decades, Culex pipiens f. molestus was called the "London Underground Mosquito". Most people, including scientists, ...
With a unique ability to consume nearly any form of organic matter it comes across, one small but mighty insect is becoming a tool to address the growing problem of organic waste and soil degradation.
They’re not insects but are made of caramel or sweet ... He made their horns and mandibles with slivers of chocolate-coated orange peel. Demand was huge. The 10,000 units he had prepared for ...
The newly reconstituted tooth germ, part human and part swine, was then implanted in the mandibles of several test pigs. When the researchers checked back in on the pigs several months later ...
Entomology is a branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects. The discipline can include the biology and control of insects, as well as their ecology and impact on animal, plant and human ...