Narnia, Greta Gerwig and Netflix

You may like Barbie director Greta Gerwig's "rock n' roll" Narnia movie for Netflix will film next year New trailer ...
This connects Anora to the new trend in morals and behavior that transgressive hipster Baker shares with dilettante Barbie director Greta Gerwig and that she disseminated during her tenure as pres ...
Throughout the 97-year history of the Academy Awards, only seven women have been nominated for the Oscar for Best Director.
So we really had to construct something that would work for the exhibitors, that would work for Greta, that would work for Netflix, that would work for a lot of people. The right amount of windows.
Die heiß ersehnte Neuauflage der beliebten Filmreihe "Die Chroniken von Narnia" unter der Regie von Greta Gerwig (41) sorgt schon jetzt für Wirbel. Netflix hat für den Fantasyfilm eine ...