As Sorcerer Supreme, that duty fell to Doctor Strange and then Doctor Doom, who failed to uphold the covenant when he ...
In this moment, Marvel confirms that Juggernaut still has a healing factor for his armor but needs to manifest it himself as ...
Men's Juggernaut in a shocking transformation that turns Peter Parker into the Spider-Naut, an all-new Marvel hero.
RELATED: Marvel’s New Spider-Man Villain Will Make Peter Parker’s Life Hell When Cyttorak’s avatar Juggernaut and the Cyclops-led X-Men stepped in to defeat the Scion Cradios, thus ...
A battle against the X-Men in Amazing Spider-Man #68 reveals that Juggernaut has developed a new defense against his greatest weakness.
If there was a yearbook for the Marvel Comics universe, Juggernaut would easily snag the superlative for "Most Improved." The ...
If there was a yearbook for the Marvel Comics universe ... bullet by villains ranging from Black Tom Cassidy to the demon Cyttorak who gives him his powers, to someone with a passionately held ...