In Guna district, a young boy named Sumit Meena slipped into a borewell, leading to a rescue operation. Trapped at 39 feet, ...
A 10-year-old boy, identified as Sumit Meena, fell into an open borewell in Pipliya village, Raghogarh area, on Saturday ...
Bhopal: A 10-year-old boy fell into an open borewell in Madhya Pradesh's Guna district on Saturday evening and a rescue ...
A 10-year-old named Sumit Meena accidentally fell into an open borewell in Pipliya village, Madhya Pradesh. Trapped at about ...
A 10-year-old boy fell into a 140-feet borewell in Madhya Pradesh’s Guna district on Saturday evening and a rescue operation was underway, an official said. Sumit Meena, the boy, slipped into the open ...