Traffic reduction measures on the Tyne Bridge will change this week as a four-year restoration project on the structure ...
An exhibition about the Tyne Bridge's history and restoration showcases how badly rusted much of its steelwork had become ...
Between six and seven tonnes of corroded steelwork has been removed from the Tyne Bridge in the first 11 months of its ...
A MAJOR bridge used by thousands of drivers every day is set to close next week. Engineers have been working on the Tyne Bridge, which links Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead, for nearly a year.
Restoration works on the Tyne Bridge, Newcastle. Photo: Andrew Heptinstall Photography The team carrying out the repairs has been working inside the tight confines of a 1.5m-high bridge deck void ...
Three full overnight road closures of the Tyne Bridge are planned from 8pm to 6am from March 4 to 6, with pedestrian and cycle access also blocked on March 6. From Friday, March 7, walkers and ...
Three full overnight road closures of the Tyne Bridge are planned from 8pm ... Grit blasting is now being carried out around the bridge’s Newcastle Quayside tower, alongside in-depth inspections ...
Newcastle quayside is to close to traffic ... The "Hollybush" colour is intended to be as close as possible to the Tyne Bridge's original look. Road restrictions are in place as the restoration ...
From the Tyne Bridge: heading north on A167 take 4th slip ... before 2nd set of traffic lights turn left into BBC car park. From Newcastle Airport: follow A696, then A167 towards Newcastle city ...
Newcastle City Council said there would be no pedestrian and cycle access on 6 March, after which cyclists and pedestrians would use the east footway. The Tyne Bridge links Newcastle and Gateshead ...