The new movie, titled "Space Jam: A New Legacy," premiered on July 16. You can stream it until August 16 at no extra cost with HBO Max's ad-free plan ($15/month). The original movie starred ...
An algorithm named Al G Rhythm captures famed basketball player LeBron James and his son Dom. Al G challenges LeBron to a basketball game against Al's digitized champions. LeBron gets the help of ...
Space Jam: A New Legacy won three Razzies: worst actor for LeBron James, worst rip-off or sequel, and worst screen couple for James combined with any of the cartoon characters. The movie put the ...
LeBron James plays the lead in Space Jam: A New Legacy. After his character’s son is sucked into a virtual reality, James must follow him, then lead a ragtag team of Looney Tunes characters to b ...
Related: 'Space Jam: A New Legacy' Scores No. 1 Spot at Box Office with $31M Opening, LeBron James Reacts Murray, however, suspected the former NBA star was hesitant to personally ask him to be in ...