Jesus, after his Passion, death, resurrection and ascension, did not abandon the sick, the suffering and the dying. During his earthly ministry, he had a profound care for the sick and the suffering.
This passage, from Luke's Gospel, is part of the "Road to Emmaus" appearance of Jesus Christ following His resurrection from ... first place," said Johnston. After all, "Their founder was a ...
Others claim that Jesus was unaware of His divinity until after His Resurrection. Assuming that the Gospels are at least historically reliable, Jesus many times claims to be someone quite special.
In Matthew and then in Luke, there are elaborate post-resurrection ... because that's what his community has experienced in persecution, an absent Jesus. Now, nobody after Mark is going to accept ...
What set Jesus apart was his followers’ belief in his resurrection ... taught that the souls of the dead would be resurrected ...
Paul then tells people that Jesus’ resurrection promises the possibility of life after death ... in the same form and at the same point in his life as when he died.
And yet there's that story of his resurrection of his coming ... full account of the life and death and resurrection of Jesus came a good bit after the fact, a full generation, in some cases ...
But about the resurrection of the dead - have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, ...
"Let us prepare for an Easter celebration of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, culminating in his resurrection, the most glorious event in history," President Oaks said. President Dallin H.
Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting and giving, held in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus was led away to the house of the High Priest. After being sentenced Jesus was whipped and stripped of his clothes. He was given a crown of thorns and a robe to wear whilst the crowds mocked him.