Visit to learn more. A credit card that gives you bonus rewards on gas station spending is a smart way to save money every time you fill up. And many of the top credit cards ...
making it likely you’re one of the millions who can benefit from saving money at the pump. While top rewards cards may be out of reach with poor credit history, there are several gas credit ...
Always dreaming about the next destination, credit cards specialist Barbara King is an avid traveler who optimizes her adventures through the use of points and miles. Barbara has earned and ...
Some of you might remember a “magical” card that was being sold around the country which were claimed by its agents that it ...
Most of the time, Dave Desparois fills his tank near his job in Elk River. “I try to get it up there because I get a little bit more bang for the buck,” said Desparois, 43, of Savage, who works on ...
One way to save money on gas is with gas rewards credit cards, which can help you earn rewards on your gas purchases. Gas credit cards are available as private label cards for specific gas brands ...
We have tested three: Fuel Genie, Platinum Gas Saver, and Tornado. Our advice: Don't waste your money. They don't work. This isn't news. We've tested such devices over the years and have repeated ...
President Donald Trump's tariffs against Canada and Mexico could lead to higher prices at the pump. Here are four ways to save.