For years, many shonen fans believed that the My Hero Academia spin-off series, Vigilantes, would never receive its own ...
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is a popular spin-off manga series that expands upon the works of Kohei Horikoshi, the author of My Hero Academia. Written by Hideyuki Furuhashi and illustrated by ...
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is a prequel series about - as the title suggests - vigilantes operating outside the system and its director alone is cause for excitement. Based on the manga by ...
My Hero Academia fans have been loving a recent viral video on TikTok where a young girl loves the fact Shoto Todoroki shares similarities with her, and it turns out that Shoto voice actor Yuki Kaji ...
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga marked its debut in 2016 and swiftly became one of the more popular pieces of media related to the My Hero Academia series. While My Hero Academia: ...
My Hero Academia Vigilantes anime premieres on April 7, 2025, produced by Bones Film. The 90-second trailer highlights the main character's admiration for All Might and introduces key characters.